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I Want to Attend

We're looking for coders, beginners, artists, kids, musicians, crafters, designers... YOU! Attend solo, with a team, or somehow otherwise! If you're an artist or musician without a team, consider attending as a floater (someone that supports other teams). Worried you don't have the skillz? YOU HAVE THE SKILLZ! Use ScratchTwineTexture or GameMaker - they're FUN! You can do it, we believe in you.

The goal is to FINISH a good, small, game in 3 days.

TOJam IS NOT a competition, conference, or learning opportunity. The crazy deadline is all the competition you need.

TOJam IS all about harnessing your existing knowledge to produce the best game possible. The deadline, combined with the talents of everyone attending, produces results. We consider the jam a kick-start, and want everyone to continue polishing their diamonds in the rough.


TOJam provides the motivation, you provide the Magic.

What We Provide



We have an official TOJam Discord community that lets jammers network with others, request art and audio support from floaters, ask for support, access resources, enter giveaways, and have a front-row seat to jam announcements and streams.


In Person


We provide a desk, power, chair, and Internet. There are 2 electrical outlets per machine (monitor + machine).

We CAN provide you with a George Brown College machine. On the registration form, choose "I want to use GBC machines" from the "Equipment Needs" section. The machines are pretty amazing! Feel free to contact us if you need the specs.


If you are using a George Brown College machine, you will need to bring a USB key or other portable hard drive so you can save your work overnight, since all machines restart at 11pm and the building closes for the night. Any installed software will need to be re-installed after any restarts.


Snacks and drinks will be provided throughout the weekend (also known as the Candy Stand), but we highly suggested making your own plans when it comes to meals and staying fully hydrated. This is all thanks to our wonderful sponsors!

What We Provide

© 2006 Toronto Game Jam

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